Sunday, July 19, 2009


hi all.

an update: just here to say, the final word is in...and...

i'm headed back to texas!

this time to work with waco habitat for humanity ( for a year through the americorps volunteer program - learn a little construction, and stay connected to all the good folks at the farm and at the billingual church there. my future boss actually attends the church and invited me to apply, and he along with other folks at habitat have connections to hope fellowship church and/or the farm, so i know a good number already.

i am really looking forward to this rejuvination year. continuing relationships already started. delving more into those farm library books on composting, beekeeping, herbal medicine, "two ears of corn" in spanish, i never got around to reading.

it will be a good time to put my hands to something useful while sorting out what the future may hold next. i am looking forward to learning a few skills i have been meaning to learn in construction/general-handyperson-ness. hopefully i will also get out to the farm fro time to time and get to don a cool spaceperson suit and learn some beekeeping, since it was a goal i never got around to that this spring. hmmm....we'll see how good i get at biking. 8 miles each way, farm to downtown waco. texas heat. we'll see.

so i guess that concludes this life chapter. thanks again for tuning in, letting me bubble over, hurt, celebrate, summarize, remember and process in this space. here's hoping we can keep keeping in touch (preferrably in a two-way fashion!) in other more personable communication realms. :)
here's to what life holds in store for us next.
cheers, friends.

- s